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Building a healthier work force and team is easy with Sycle Hub!

Posted by Karen on 18 October 2016

Building a healthier work force is easy with Sycle Hub!

The popular saying, ‘All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy’ underscores the importance of recreation in building stronger and creative minds.

The work place can be demanding especially with ever changing trends globally.  According to statistics, work-related stress contributes about 40% of stress cases.

A report from Medibank Private - The Cost of Workplace Stress in Australia  indicate that:

  • Workplace stress is costing the Australian economy $14.81 billion a year.
  • Stress related presenteeism and absenteeism are directly costing Australian employers $10.11 billion a year.
  • 3.2 days per worker are lost each year through workplace stress.

A report from the United State’s  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) indicate that:

  • 40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful;
  • 25% view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives;
  • Three fourths of employees believe that workers have more on-the-job stress than a generation ago;
  • 29% of workers felt quite a bit or extremely stressed at work;
  • 26 percent of workers said they were “often or very often burned out or stressed by their work”;
  • Job stress is more strongly associated with health complaints than financial or family problems.

Going by these figures, employers who desire greater productivity need to pay attention to the well-being of those who work for them!

Employee welfare is not all about bonus schemes and juicy retirement packages. Investing in a physical exercise program like indoor cycling is important in the health and over all well being of employees.

People who exercise regularly are not only healthier, but happier.

Indoor cycling at award winning Sycle Hub not only serves as a fun, low impact, challenging aerobic activity but is also an excellent recreational activity that organizations can provide for employees.

Such innovation is sure to not only excite your workforce but will be embraced by them because the benefits are immense.

Companies can take advantage of our corporate packages at Sycle Hub as an investment in the welfare of their employees.

Sycle Hub rates are quite competitive, in particular given the premier, all-inclusive experience that is unique to our centre.  We offer good discounts to organizations that will embrace the opportunity and benefits we provide at our award winning cycling studio.

Investing in a  health and wellbeing program incorporating Sycle Hub classes has great benefits some of which are:

HEALTHIER WORK FORCE: First and most importantly, you have a vibrant, happier and healthier work force.  In 2005, Medibank-commissioned research found that healthy employees are three times more productive than unhealthy employees.  Unhealthy employees take nine times more sick leave than healthy employees. In 2007,  Medibank commissioned research found that on average, six working days of productivity are lost per year per employee due to presenteeism - lost productivity that occurs when employees come to work, but due to illness or other conditions, are not fully functioning.   

REDUCED ABSENTEEISM:  Companies that support workplace health have a greater percentage of employees present at work everyday.  Healthy, happy employees who feel valued are far less likely to be absent from work.  Healthier employees are less likely to call in sick due to illness, increasing productivity and output for your organisation.

REDUCED STRESS LEVEL: The work environment becomes more positive because you will have relaxed and confident staff. Physical exercise is a good way to manage stress, in particular the safe, low impact but high intensity of a Sycle Hub class. This leads to improved performance in the work place.

TEAM BONDING: Indoor cycling at Sycle Hub as a group activity will encourage camaraderie and bonding among employees thus fostering collaboration and unity in the work place. New friendships are struck among workers and there is more quality engagement among work groups.

LOYALTY: Employees, seeing that the organization is committed to their well being tend to become more loyal, increasing retention and given the cost attrition adds to businesses the investment in employee health and wellbeing is a wise investment.

LONG TERM HEALTH BENEFIT FOR EMPLOYEES: Having introduced them to exercise and rides at Sycle Hub, indoor cycling routines becomes a habit for employees. Incorporating into their lifestyles becomes easier even after they stop working with the organization. You can be sure that employees will be eternally grateful to the organisation.

We invite you to take your staff productivity and workplace engagement up a notch by investing in our indoor cycling program as part of your health and wellbeing programs for your organisation or business.  

We know your staff will love it and you can be sure that your most valuable asset is in very good hands!  Sycle Hub was named one of the best cycling/spin studios in the world and was the 2015 business award winner for MOST OUTSTANDING FITNESS SERVICES.

Talk to us today: 02 8883 2146 or email
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SYCLE HUB - Sydney's Premier Indoor Cycle Studio
Unit 205, 14 Lexington Drive .  Norwest Business Park.  Bella Vista.  NSW  2153

Sycle Hub is such a fun and easy way to exercise amongst friends. Each ride is completely different and I love how much my fitness has improved!
- Jessica S

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Contact Us

(02) 8883 2146

Unit 205 - T1 Norwest, Level 2,
14 Lexington Dr Norwest Business Park
Bella Vista NSW 2153 Australia

Opening Hours

Monday 5.30am - 2pm, 4pm - 9pm

Tuesday 5.30am - 2pm, 4pm - 9pm

Wednesday 5.30am - 2pm 5pm - 9.30pm

Thursday 5.30am - 9am, 12pm - 2pm, 5pm - 7pm

Friday 5.30am - 2pm

Saturday 8am - 12pm

All other times by appointment only or offsite as per timetable.