
The latest news and all things Sycle Hub.

Sycle Hub Multisport Team Program now open to ALL!

Posted by Karen on 07 January 2016

The hugely successful and popular Sycle Hub Multisport Team training program is now open toeveryone! No contract required - just pay as you go! The Sycle Hub Multisport Team is a professional, high performance training program, run by our award winning centre and powered by NATURE PERFORMANCE. We launched the program in 2015 and the results gained by team members saw personal bests and podium finishes across multiple multisport events in both Sydney and around Australia.

Professionally qualified and experienced coaching by our Head Performance coach who holds both the formal qualifications and the high level competition performances and results you need to get the best out of yourself and your training!

A comprehensive multi-sport training program for optimum performance for cyclists and triathletes.

  • If you want to train for an endurance event or participate in a triathlon, marathon, duathlon or mountain bike event Sycle Hub and the Multisport program will help you!
  • If you are looking to gain the edge on your competitors or simply train towards a personal best performance or a bucket list achievement, Sycle Hub and the Multisport is for you!
  • Perhaps you are already training elsewhere in addition to SYCLE HUB and relish the chance to combine all of your training needs in to one with us because of our incomparable and award winning client experience, service offering and unique community spirit?  

Individual Training Plans available via consultation.  Please contact Sycle Hub on 8883 2146 or email to set up an appointment to discuss your training needs.


No more contracts!

The original model was participation via a 3-month contract, however we recognise that not everyone is able to commit to an increased training regime that justifies this commitment ongoing. As a result of recognising that many members of our community would like to participate, but increase and decrease their training load as their needs arose, we have changed the pricing model to allow participation by everyone!  Now everyone who is serious about their training or wants to get the edge on their bucket list and further their Sycle Hub based training, can join the team!

For best value, purchase a Sycle Hub Membership at just $29.99 per week to provide you with unlimited cycle classes, including our combo classes and subsidise this with a Multisport or Multisport SWIM pack to allow you to add multisport classes that focus on running, swimming and strength and conditioning as you need!  You will be fitter, healthier and happier for it - we look forward to seeing you achieve.  Another bonus? You will love the Sycle Hub Multisport gear - it turns heads for all the right reasons!



Sycle Hub is such a fun and easy way to exercise amongst friends. Each ride is completely different and I love how much my fitness has improved!
- Jessica S

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Contact Us

Contact Us

(02) 8883 2146

Unit 205 - T1 Norwest, Level 2,
14 Lexington Dr Norwest Business Park
Bella Vista NSW 2153 Australia

Opening Hours

Monday 5.30am - 2pm, 4pm - 9pm

Tuesday 5.30am - 2pm, 4pm - 9pm

Wednesday 5.30am - 2pm 5pm - 9.30pm

Thursday 5.30am - 9am, 12pm - 2pm, 5pm - 7pm

Friday 5.30am - 2pm

Saturday 8am - 12pm

All other times by appointment only or offsite as per timetable.